a love affirmation
this is the score for a puppet theatre/dance theatre passive immersive theatrical experience and modest extravaganza.
This is the 3rd piece I’m working on called Touch. I don’t know what is wrong with me with this word but I can’t stop using it,. I think I think I think I need more touch in my life. Do you? I don’t know, like not inappropriate touch, I don’t need that in my life. I mean like physical contact. I need physical contact. That’s why I’m like making this piece. I mean I am like new to this sensation. Like I hate community shit, or I did. I don’t now. Now I’m like I need community. I need to be in community.
I call this piece a love affirmation because that is what I want it to do. I hope you can be open to that. Just like an affirmation of love. So listen with open hearts.